Crucial conversations about the womb and femme power

Welcome to the Vital Vagina, where the womb is centered and everyone is welcome. The intention of this podcast is to create a brave space to have crucial conversations around the womb and feminine power, bringing issues that used to be cloaked in shame into the open.

This initial episode helps to create context for the purpose of these conversations.

This podcast is not just for people with vaginas.

As the embodiment of feminine energy, the womb can teach us something about this mysterious feminine.

Everyone comes from this sacred space as a result of the alchemy between the feminine and the masculine. Everyone has within them a unique blend of all. Indeed, this is where we find our wholeness.

The vagina and the womb are taboo topics, yet are literally our birthplace. The blood is considered gross, yet it nourished our creation.

Why do we carry so much shame -- and not reverence -- around the very place that was our initial heartbeat?

This podcast is intended to be a brave space to have vital discussions centering the vagina and the womb.

This conversation is for everyone.



As a chiropractic physician, holistic pelvic care provider, and creator of Zhiva Method, I have dedicated my life's work to the vibrancy of the female root. 

This type of work naturally leads to incredibly important conversations, which is what prompted my to create this podcast as a brave space for crucial conversations about a part of the body that brings life, but lives in the shadows of our culture.